Krustini & Honey Cheesecake

A different cheesecake with a date and krustini base.

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  • 250g Krustini Biscuits

  • 200g Vita Natura Pitted Dates

  • 60g Lamb Brand Roasted Walnuts

  • 500g Cream Cheese

  • 1pkt Lamb Brand Topping Mix

  • 400ml Cold Milk

  • 3tbsp Honey

  • 2tsp Gelatin Powder


  1. Crush the krustini in a food processor.

  2. Add the pitted dates, and process them until they start turning into a paste. Add a couple of teaspoons of hot water and mix them until they become dough-like.

  3. Remove from the food processor, and firmly cover your cheese cake tin with this dough, sides included.

  4. Refrigerate for at least 20 minutes.

  5. In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese with half of the honey. Mix until creamy.

  6. In a separate bowl, mix the milk with the topping mix and whip them until they are nice and fluffy.

  7. Gently fold the creams together with the gelatin (melted in some water) and add them to the biscuit base.

  8. Try to level the surface well by hitting the tin on the working surface.

  9. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or until solid.

  10. Drizzle the rest of the honey and decorate with the chopped walnuts on the top before serving.


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