Pistachio Mince Pies

A different approach to the traditional mince pies. 

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Pistachio pastry:

  • 380g Plain Flour

  • 200g Stork

  • 100g Caster Sugar

  • 100g Unsalted Raw Pistachios

  • 4 Egg Yolks

  • A Pinch of Salt

  • 1/2tsp Pistachio Essence 


  • 400g Good Quality Mincemeat

  • 30g Chopped Walnuts

  • 30g Chopped Pécans

  • 1 Grated Orange Zest

  • 1/4tsp Ground Cinnamon

  • 1/4tsp Mixed Spice

  • 1/4tsp Ground Cloves 


  1. Using a food processor, finely chop the pistachios.

  2. Transfer them to a mixing bowl, or change keep using the food processor.

  3. Add the plain flour to the pistachios, followed by the caster sugar, and salt.

  4. Cut the fridge cold Stork into small cubes and add it to the dry ingredients.

  5. Mix them until you get the consistency of wet sand.

  6. Add the egg yolks and pistachio essence and mix until you combine the dough together. If it’s a little dry add a tablespoon of cold water.

  7. Place the dough into cling film and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

  8. For the filling, simply mix all the ingredients together. 

  9. Flour your kitchen top and open the dough. Alternatively use some baking paper to make things easier since it’s a fragile dough.

  10. Cut into round shapes and fill your muffin tins. Grease the tin for easy removal of the mince pies.

  11. Fill them with the mixture and cover them with little dough stars.

  12. Bake in a preheated 200°c oven for about 20 minutes or until they start getting some colour. 

  13. Let them cool down in the baking tin on your kitchen top.

  14. Sprinkle some icing sugar before serving.


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