Pasta and Meatball Pearls


Pasta shells filled with creamy ricotta and crispy meatballs on a basil tomato sauce topped with mozzarella cheese.


  • 300g Conchilioni Pasta Shells

  • 200g Mini Meatballs (or sausage)

  • 1tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1 Onion

  • 300g Tomato Sauce

  • 1 Beef Gravy (pot/cube)

  • 2tbsp Fresh Basil

  • 400g Fresh Ricotta

  • 2tbsp Grated Parmesan Cheese

  • 1 Egg

  • 2tbsp Mayonnaise

  • 100g Mozzarella Cheese

  • Salt & Pepper (to taste)


  • 1. Boil the pasta for 5 minutes in salted water. Do not over-cook cause it will become soggy. Drain and set aside.

  • 2. In a skillet brown the meatballs in their own fats. Once browned remove and set aside.

  • 3. In the same skillet add the olive oil and fry the onion until it becomes lightly brown.

  • 4. Add the tomato sauce and the gravy.

  • 5. Finish off with the basil, give it a good stir and set aside.

  • 6. In a large bowl mix together the ricotta, parmesan, egg, mayonnaise and season to taste.

  • 7. Preparation is finished, now let’s assemble the shells. If you are using an oven-proof skillet you can use the same one. If not, use an oven dish.

  • 8. Fill each shell with the ricotta mix and place a meatball in the centre.

  • 9. Gently place each filled shell on the tomato sauce. You can use a rectangular dish instead. I chose a circular one and created a 'flower' pattern. The choice is yours.

  • 10. top everything with grated mozzarella and fresh pepper and bake in a pre-heated 220°c oven until golden brown. This should take around 25-30 minutes.

  • 11. Enjoy!


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