Stuffed Cauliflower

STUFFED CAULIFLOWER.00_03_03_12.Still274.jpg

Roasted cauliflower with ground beef stuffing and a crispy bacon shell.

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Ingredients for 4 persons:

  • 1 Large Cauliflower

  • 1 Vegetable Stock Cube

  • 300g Ground Beef

  • 1 Finely Chopped Onion

  • 2tbsp Finely Chopped Parsley

  • 50g Grated Parmesan Cheese

  • 1tsp Garlic Granules/Powder

  • 2tbsp Breadcrumbs

  • Salt & Pepper

  • 2 Eggs

  • 1tbsp Ketchup

  • 50g Cheddar Cheese

  • 1tsp Smoked Paprika

  • 400g Streaky Bacon

  • 2tbsp Honey BBQ Sauce


  • 1.Remove the leaves from the cauliflower and using a knife carefully remove the stalk. Be careful not to cut the florets.

  • 2.Wash it well and place it in a large pot full of water almost covering the whole cauliflower.

  • 3.Add the vegetable stock and bring it to a gentle boil. Cover and simmer for 8 minutes.

  • 4.Remove the cauliflower from the water and allow it to cool down.

  • 5.In the meantime let's prepare the filling.

  • 6.Combine the beef, onion, parsley, garlic granules, Parmesan, breadcrumbs, eggs, ketchup and season to taste.

  • 7.Using your clean hands or glove mix everything well until you get a paste consistency.

  • 8.Transfer the filling to a piping bag.

  • 9.Place the cauliflower upside-down and pipe the paste filling all the cavities inside the cauliflower.

  • 10.Carefully place some sliced cheddar between the florets.

  • 11.Line a round baking tin with baking paper and place the bacon rashers around it almost starting from the centre.

  • 12.Place the cauliflower in the centre, rub it with the paprika and gently fold the bacon on top of it covering it all.

  • 13.Brush the honey BBQ sauce and place it in a hot oven.

  • 14.Roast at 180°c for an hour or until it's all crispy.

  • 15.Let it cool a bit for about 10 minutes then cut it into 4 portions.


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