Parmesan Mushrooms

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Easy-to-do juicy mushrooms stuffed with delicious beef and Parmesan filling.

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  • 1 Onion

  • 2 Garlic Cloves

  • 400g Large Mushrooms

  • 2tsp Olive Oil

  • 2tsp Butter

  • 300g Ground Beef

  • Fresh Thyme

  • 2tbsp Breadcrumbs

  • 1 Egg

  • 150g Grated Parmesan Cheese

  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  • 1.Peel the onion and place it in a food processor together with the garlic cloves. Coarsely mince using the pulse function.

  • 2.Remove the stalks from the mushrooms and add them to the onion. Be careful not to break the mushroom cap. Mince until you get a thick paste.

  • 3.In an oven-resistant skillet heat up 1tsp of olive oil and 1tsp of butter. Fry the onion paste for about 5 minutes stirring gently. Remove from heat and allow it to cool down.

  • 4.In a large bowl combine the ground beef, thyme, breadcrumbs, onion paste, parmesan, egg, and season to taste. Mix thoroughly.

  • 5.Fill the mushroom caps and place them back in the skillet with 1tsp of olive oil and butter. Grate some more Parmesan on top.

  • 6.Cover, and gently fry for about 15-20 minutes, or until the cheese has melted and mushrooms are cooked through.

  • 7.You can serve them like this, or else place them under the grill or hot oven until you get the cheese all crispy.


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