Guinness Mini Christmas Pudding


The easiest Christmas pudding you’ll ever bake!



  • 450g Mixed Fruit

  • 300g Chopped Dates

  • 1 Carrot

  • 1 Orange Zest

  • 1 Lemon Zest

  • 200ml Guinness Draught Stout

  • 125g Unsalted Butter

  • 85g Brown Sugar

  • 2 Eggs

  • 95g Plain Flour

  • 1 tbsp Mixed Spice

  • 60g Breadcrumbs

  • 2tbsp Maltese Honey

  • Brandy for Flambé


1. In a bowl combine mixed fruit, dates, grated carrot, orange & lemon zest, and Guinness.

2. Mix well and set aside for at least 30 minutes.

3. In the meantime let's prepare the batter.

4. In a food processor bowl combine room temperature butter and the sugar and mix at low speed until fluffy.

5. Add one egg at a time. Then gradually add the flour, mixed spice, breadcrumbs, and honey.

6. Gently fold this mixture with the fruits.

7. Brush muffin tins with a thin layer of melted butter then coat with flour. Remove the access.

8. Fill tins to the brim and cover them with baking paper.

9. Place them in a deep baking dish and fill it with a couple of centimeters of hot water.

10. Bake in a preheated oven at 150°c for 45 minutes. Before taking them out check the centre with a toothpick.

11. Serve alone, custard or Brandy flambé.


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