Wafer Coffee Gateaux

This coffee gateaux recipe is so easy to make and involves absolutely no cooking. We ch-eated with some roasted hazelnuts and wafers to give it some extra crunch. Simple ingredients but with a great result!

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  • 5 tins Nestlé Sterilized Cream (chilled from the fridge)

  • 2tbsp Nestlé Instant Coffee

  • 100ml Hot Water

  • 2tbsp Perugina Cacao Amaro

  • 2tbsp Icing Sugar

  • 1/2tsp Vanilla Essence

  • 150g Plain Biscuits

  • 200g Long Vanilla or Chocolate Wafers

  • 80g crushed Roasted Hazelnuts


  • 1. In a small bowl mix the hot water and instant coffee together. Stir until it's dissolved and let it cool down.

    2. In a larger bowl add the chilled cream, cocoa powder, powdered sugar and vanilla essence. Whisk them up until they are well combined and creamy.

    3. Assemble the gateaux by placing the wafers around the perimeter of your cake tin, then place 2 layers of plain biscuits at the bottom.

    4. Drizzle the biscuits with the coffee mixture and then make a layer of cream.

    5. Place one layer of plain biscuits and continue with this process 4 - 5 times until you get to the top.

    6. Finish with a layer of cream, covert and chill for at last 3 hours.

    7. Just before serving drizzle some chopped hazelnuts on top. Do not chill the hazelnuts as they will become soft in the fridge. We need that crunch!

    8. Enjoy!


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