
This is a hybrid between a froġa tat-tarja (angel hair pasta omelette) & the traditional rice arancini. Perfect for parties and they are simply divine!



  • 400g Capellini Pasta (angel hair)

  • 1 Dried Gozo Cheese (ġbejna)

  • 250g Mozzarella Cheese

  • 3tbsp Fresh Parsley

  • 3 Large Eggs

  • 200g Fresh Mini Mozzarella Balls

  • 90g Prosciutto Crudo

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Vegetable Oil for deep frying


  • 1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook for about 3 minutes stirring frequently to avoid sticking.

  • 2. Discard the water and allow it to cool down. You can use some cold water to help it cool quickly.

  • 3. Transfer it to a large bowl and add the grated Gozo cheeselet, parsley, grated mozzarella and eggs. Season to taste and mix very well.

  • 4. Roll the fresh mozzarella balls in prosciutto.

  • 5. Place a square piece of cling film on the kitchen top, add some of the pasta mixture, place a prosciutto ball on top and cover with some more pasta mixture.

  • 6. Roll tightly into a ball.

  • 7. With this mix, you should obtain about 8-10 pasta balls. But this depends on how big you make them.

  • 8. Freeze the pasta balls at least for 3 hours to hold shape. Do not freeze them further or you might risk that the center won't cook properly.

  • 9. Heat a large pot of vegetable oil (I used 1 liter) between 160°c & 180°c.

  • 10. Remove the pasta balls from the plastic and deep fry them immediately (still frozen) in batches of 3. Do not place more or you will lower the oil temperature.

  • 11. Fry for 8 minutes gently flipping them halfway through. They should be crispy deep brown in colour.

  • 12. Transfer on paper towel to remove access oil and let them rest for about 4 minutes.

  • 13. Serve and enjoy!


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Ftira Tal-Ġbejniet u Patata


Pastizzuni tal-Ħobż