Ch-EAT's Prinjolata with Perlini Surprise

This is Ch-EAT's take on the famous Carnival dessert. Our version contains no raw egg and is filled with delicious perlini.

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  • 300g Lady Fingers or Plain Sponge Cake

  • 1 Can (397g) NestlĂ© Carnation Condensed Milk (ħalib magħqud)

  • 40g Roasted Almonds

  • 40g Roasted Hazelnuts

  • 50g Glazed Cherries

  • 40g Roasted Pinenuts

  • 40g Chocolate Chips

  • 1 Orange Zest

  • 1 Lemon Zest

  • 3tbsp Whiskey

  • 150g Perlini

  • 1 Can NestlĂ© Sterilized Cream (refrigerated)

  • 2tbsp Icing Sugar

  • 1/4tsp Vanilla Essence

  • 20g Melted Dark Chocolate


  • 1. In a large bowl crumble the ladyfingers or sponge cake into small pieces.

  • 2. Roughly chop the hazelnuts and almonds and add them to the bowl.

  • 3. Add the pinenuts and halved cherries. Leave some of these aside for decoration.

  • 4. Add the chocolate chips, orange, and lemon zest.

  • 5. Lightly mix everything together.

  • 6. Add the whiskey and the condensed milk and mix everything well until you get a sticky dough-like texture.

  • 7. Get a small bowl with a rounded bottom and cover it with cling film.

  • 8. Transfer the mixture and press it gently in the bowl.

  • 9. Using a small glass create a cavity in the center.

  • 10. Refrigerate for at least an hour.

  • 11. In the meantime mix together the chilled NestlĂ© cream, icing sugar, and vanilla essence.

  • 12. Get the prinjolata mixture from the fridge, remove the glass and fill the hole with perlini.

  • 13. Gently flip onto your serving plate and cover with the cream.

  • 14. Decorate with halved cherries, pinenuts and drizzle the melted chocolate.

  • 15. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.


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