Pastizzi Pie


Our first original recipe. It’s a must-try!


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  • 650g Ricotta

  • 50g Grated Pecorino Romano

  • 50g Grated Grana Padano

  • 100g Broad Beans (fresh or frozen)

  • 50g Black Raisins (optional)

  • 1/2tsp Ground Black Pepper

  • 10g Chopped Parsley

  • 3 Eggs

  • 400g Short Crust Pastry

  • 6 Large Frozen Pastizzi

  • 6 Party Size Frozen Pastizzi

  • 1 Extra Egg for Eggwash

  • 1tbsp Milk

  • Fresh Rucola

  • Parma Ham


  • 1. Preheat oven to 180°c

  • 2. In a medium-size bowl mix ricotta, pecorino, grana, beans, raisins, pepper, parsley & 3 eggs together. Set aside.

  • 3. Roll out around 400g of shortcrust pastry.

  • 4. Transfer dough to a 30cm pie dish, gently fit into the dish and trim the edges.

  • 5. Beat an egg and brush the dough with it. This creates a seal.

  • 6. Gently spread the ricotta mixture and fold the edges.

  • 7. Place 6 large (still frozen) pastizzi and 6 party size ones to create the 'crust' Make sure to cover most of the surface.

  • 8. Add a tablespoon of milk to the remaining beaten egg and mix well.

  • 9. Brush the surface completely and bake until golden brown. This should take between an hour to 75mins. Keep an eye.

  • 10. Allow to cool a bit and serve with rucola and parma ham.


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