Quick Low-Carb Khachapuri
Well, this is not entirely a traditional Khachapuri but a low-carb simpler version inspired by it. Khachapuri is a traditional Georgian dish. Our quicker version still has a great taste without the extra carbs.
1 Maypole LOcarb Loaf
180g Mozzarella Cheese (grated)
130g Feta Cheese (crumbled)
1/2tsp Garlic Granules
1 Egg Yolk
1 Whole Egg
2tsp Olive Oil
Fresh Parsley to Serve
Hollow out the loaf, cutting along the border. Divide the cuttings into bite-size pieces.
In a bowl, mix the cheeses with the garlic granules and the egg yolk until well combined.
Fill the hollowed bread with the cheeses pressing firmly with the back of a spoon.
Cover the edges of the loaf with foil to prevent it from browning too much.
Place everything on a baking tray and drizzle the bit-sized bread pieces with olive oil.
Bake in a 180°c preheated oven for about 15 - 20 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the bread pieces are toasted.
Remove from the oven and take away the foil.
Create a cavity in the centre of the cheese and crack an egg inside.
Return it to the oven for about 5 minutes until the egg is half-cooked. (Depending to your likeness)
Remove it from the oven and immediately mix the egg together with the cheese.
The hot cheese will continue to cook the egg thoroughly.
Drizzle some freshly chopped parsley and serve warm.
Enjoy dipping the bread pieces in the cheese, and when they finish, continue with the rest of the loaf.