
Only 3 ingredients. Wheater air-fried, deep-fried or baked, these are a delicious snack, or good for nibbling while watching your favourite series.

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  • 200g Rice Vermicelli

  • 600g Dry Gozo Cheese (plain, with pepper or herbs)

  • 1/2tsp Salt


  • 1. Place the vermicelli in a bowl, add enough hot water until they are completely submerged and add the salt.

  • 2. Give them a stir and let them rest for 5 minutes.

  • 3. Drain the water completely.

  • 4. Cut the cheese in halves. Gently as sometimes they might be a bit crumbly.

  • 5. Roll some vermicelli around each piece of cheese similar to a ball of wool. Try to cover all the cheese.

  • 6. Now here I used the air fryer. Set it a 180°c for 20 minutes. You can also use a hot oven until they are golden and crispy.

  • 7. Also tried them deep-fried, but personally, I preferred the air fryer.

  • 8. Serve them with your favourite sauce and some fresh parsley.


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