Butterless Butter Cookies

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A lighter take on these buttery biscuits! Simple, only 3 ingredients, and really tasty.

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  • 200g I Can't Believe It’s even Butterier!

  • 70g Powdered Sugar (icing sugar)

  • 240g Plain Flour

  • A Pinch of Salt

  • 1tbsp Caster Sugar


  • 1.In a large bowl place the softened butter and sift the icing sugar. Add a pinch of salt.

  • 2.Beat with a hand mixer until creamy and fluffy.

  • 3.Sift half of the flour and gently fold in.

  • 4.Continue with the rest of the flour until it's well incorporated.

  • 5.You should obtain a soft, sticky dough. Place in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

  • 6.Gently open the dough on baking paper and sprinkle some flour to avoid sticking.

  • 7.It should be around 1cm thick.

  • 8.Use a cookie cutter and gently place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

  • 9.Sprinkle some caster sugar on top.

  • 10.You don't need to leave much space between them as they will not puff up.

  • 11.Bake in a preheated 180°c oven for 15 - 20mins or until lightly brown.


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Polenta Arancini


Quorn bil-Curry