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Protein Pizza Base

Ingredients for 1 Pizza Base:

  • 150g 0 Fat Neogal Greek Yogurt

  • 150g Self-Raising Flour

  • Toppings of your choice.


  1. In a small bowl combine the flour with the yogurt with a fork or spatula. 

  2. When it becomes too hard to mix, knead it with your hand on a clean surface until you obtain a smooth dough.

  3. Open the dough using a rolling pin and some flour to avoid it from sticking.

  4. Transfer it to a baking dish.

  5. Top it with your favorite toppings and bake in a preheated 250°c for about 10 minutes or until nice and crispy.

  6. This dough doesn’t contain any yeast and doesn’t require proofing. 

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