Easy No-Knead Bread

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Need a fresh loaf of bread but you don't have the time? Here's an easy fast method.


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  • 420g Plain Flour (or any of your choice)

  • 1/2tsp Dry Yeast

  • 1tsp Salt

  • 360ml Hot Water (not hotter than 50°c or you'll kill the yeast)!


  • 1. Combine all dry ingredients then add the hot water. The hot water will help the dough to rise faster. Make sure it is not higher than 50°c.

  • 2. Mix everything until you get a loose dough.

  • 3. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rise for at least 3hours on the countertop.

  • 4. Transfer the dough on a floured surface and fold it for about 8 times. Do not knead, just fold.

  • 5. Shape it into a ball and place it seam down in a bowl lined with baking paper.

  • 6. Preheat your oven on the highest temperature and place a dutch oven or an oven resistant pot inside.

  • 7. Make a slit in the dough and carefully place it in the pot/dutch oven with the baking paper, cover and bake for 30mins.

  • 8. Uncover, and bake for further 10-20 minutes or until you get your desired doneness.

  • 9. Let it cool down completely before slicing.


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