Brodu tat-Tiġieġa (Chicken Broth)
This is a Maltese classic. Nothing warms the heart like Maltese brodu tat-tiġieġa!
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1 - 1.5kgs Chicken (chopped)
1 Medium Size White Onion
2 Carrots
2tbsp Chopped Celery
2tbsp Tomato Purée (kunserva)
1 Chicken Stock Cube
50g Small Pasta
3 Potatoes
1 - 1.2ltrs Water
Black Pepper
Salt (to taste)
1. In a large pot place chicken, onion, carrots, celery, chicken cube, tomato purée, black pepper, and water. Gently stir everything.
2. Cover and bring to a boil, then lower the flame and simmer for an hour.
3. After an hour add the potatoes and optional small pasta. Adjust with salt (if needed) and simmer for another 15 minutes.
4. Serve and enjoy!!
“This recipe is for the simple broth, I like to leave the skins on because they infuse a lot of flavour, for a healthier version, remove the skin before cooking. You can enrich it with other chicken parts like necks, hearts, or gizzards. Also vegetables like zucchini, some small pasta or even rice.”