Activated Charcoal Pizza

An easy and quick pizza base low in calories and high in protein with the benefits of activated charcoal. We made 2 versions, a tomato/burrata and a chicken/pesto one. Served with Coca-Cola Zero, this is a lovely guilt-free cheat meal.

Ingredients for 1 portion:


  • 150g All-purpose Flour 

  • 150g 0% Fat Greek Yoghurt

  • 5g Baking Powder

  • 5g Activated Charcoal Powder

  • 2.5g Salt

  • 5ml Olive Oil

Tomato/Burrata Toppings:

  • 80g Cherry Tomato

  • 20g Fresh Basil

  • 2 Garlic Cloves

  • 5ml Olive Oil

  • 1 portion Burrata

  • 5g Grana Padano (Grated)

  • A pinch of Salt

Chicken/Pesto Toppings:

  • 60g Cooked Chicken

  • 20g Ready-made Basil Pesto

  • 1 portion Fresh Mozzarella

  • 10g Walnuts


  1. Place the flour in a bowl and add all the dry ingredients followed by the Greek yoghurt.

  2. Start mixing the ingredients with a fork until they start coming together.

  3. Finish with the olive oil, mix it in well, then transfer the mixture onto your kitchen top and start kneading it until a nice dough is formed.

  4. It might look dry at first but keep kneading. Knead for 5 minutes.

  5. Wrap the dough in plastic film and place it in the fridge for half an hour.

  6. In the meantime, if you're making the tomato version, simply place the tomatoes, basil, garlic, salt, and oil in a small food processor.

  7. Chop them for a couple of turns, but not too much. You need to obtain a thick paste, not a sauce.

  8. After half an hour open the pizza dough and spread the tomato mixture over the top leaving out about an inch from the edges.

  9. Drizzle with some Grana cheese and brush the edges with some olive oil.

  10. For the chicken version, brush the pesto on top, followed by the chicken, mozzarella, and some chopped walnuts.

  11. Bake in a pizza oven or a home oven at 250Β°c for about 7 minutes, or until the crust is nice and crispy.

  12. For the tomato version, finish it off with the fresh Burrata, olive oil, and some fresh basil leaves.

  13. Enjoy this guilt-free pizza version together with a nice glass of iced Coca-Cola Zero. 


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